On March 20, 2018, we celebrated the Mass of Christian Burial for Sister Anne Wayrowski, OSF, a close friend to so many people. Sr. Anne had asked that the Mass focus on the Beatitudes, which she lived so faithfully and courageously. I wrote the intercessions for the Mass, using Anne’s life and ministry as my inspiration. Our Communications Director asked if we could post them on our website. I include them here, acknowledging insights I received while reflecting on several commentaries and homilies. Sr. Anne lived the Beatitudes, and how blessed are we to have shared her life here on earth. –  By: Sister Elaine Kerscher, OSF

Blessed are the poor in spirit: May Sr. Anne’s fidelity to the call of the Gospel inspire each of us to reach out to those who are hungry or lonely, homeless or incarcerated, and to those struggling with illness, dementia, or addiction, we pray:

Blessed are those who mourn: Loving God, console the hearts of all who mourn tonight, especially Sr. Anne’s family, her Franciscan Sisters and Associates, her friends, classmates and co-workers, and all those who have been touched by Sr. Anne’s love and selflessness, we pray:

Blessed are the meek, the merciful, the pure of heart: Instruct us, O God, in the ways of humility. Help us, like Sr. Anne, to stand in solidarity with those who are oppressed or marginalized. Fill our hearts with love and overflowing mercy. Show us your presence in the faces of those the world tends to forget, we pray:

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness: We pray, gracious God, for a more just world in which everyone has enough and no one is left behind; where we recognize that all people are created in Your image and we welcome them regardless of race, ethnicity, education, religion, or economic status. Gift us with this hunger and thirst for righteousness, we pray:

Blessed are the peacemakers: May each of us, loving God, be an instrument of peace and reconciliation in our family, our community, our place of work, and in our world. May world leaders work together for lasting peace and justice, and seek to heal the division among all people, we pray:

Blessed are we, gracious God, for your gift of Anne in our lives: May Sr. Anne and all who have died be gathered into your kingdom and celebrate your mercy and love for all eternity, we pray: